“Feldenkrais is not just pushing muscles around, but changing things in the brain itself.” – Karl Pribram, M.D., Neuro-Scientist
The Feldenkrais® Method
The Feldenkrais® Method is an advanced approach to well-being that goes to the root source of stiffness, discomfort and most chronic pain caused by injury or bad habits. These conditions are usually precipitated by our personal physical and emotional histories and aggravated by the passage of time. For example, everyone tends to acquire subtle but damaging habits in how they sit, reach for objects, even hold a pen. Over the years these habits begin to exist on a physiological level. They become encoded in the connections between the motor cortex of the brain and the muscular system. Once entrenched, they put stress on the body and interfere with our ability to function efficiently.
Feldenkrais provides remarkable relief for many chronic and debilitating conditions caused by injury or bad habits, including:
- neck and shoulder stiffness ..
- chronic or acute back pain ..
- migraines and tension headaches ..
- Temperomandibular Jaw Disorder (TMJ) ..
- fibromyalgia and chronic pain ..
- post-injury recovery restrictions ..
- breathing and voice restrictions.
A unique system of body reeducation, the Feldenkrais Method helps people to move more comfortably, efficiently and gracefully.
It is in learned in two ways:
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® Classes and Workshops which consist of subtle and precise movement sequences, and/or in Private Sessions which are gentle, noninvasive, hands-on lessons. Known as Functional Integration, these sessions are conducted by a certified Feldenkrais practitioner while you lie fully clothed on a comfortable table. Because Feldenkrais is natural and safe, you can benefit from it regardless of your age or physical condition.
Many people practice Feldenkrais for the sheer pleasure and the benefits of becoming more attuned to their body’s wisdom. Feldenkrais can help you:
- speed recovery from injury ..
- alleviate stress and enjoy deep relaxation ..
- perform better and fine skills as a musician, dancer, actor, martial artist or athlete ..
- look younger and feel more energetic ..
- explore the interconnections of mind and body ..
- recognize the unique beauty of yourself and others.