“…What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible minds. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity.” – Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc.
Articles and Links
Download PDF Articles:
- “Trying the Feldenkrais Method for Chronic Pain”, The New York Times
- “Why Do Feldenkrais” Susannah Kent
- “Self Healing – The Feldenkrais Method”, Dr. Andrew Weil
- “New hope for aching, creaky yuppie bodies”, Dr. Norman Doidge
- “Seeing Clearly”, David Webber
- “The Feldenkrais Method: Moving with Ease”, Dr. Andrew Weil
- “Phantom Limb Mystery Solved”, Dr. Norman Doidge
- “How To Walk Like Carrie Bradshaw”, The Toronto Star
- “Aligning Up”,, Sibylle Preuschat, Now Magazine Toronto
- “Coping With Mild Post Polio Syndrome”, David S.T. Blackmore
- “Re-learning grace and agility through movement”, Stephen Douglas
- “More than song and dance”, Tamara Bernstein, The National Post
- “Joint Strategies – Stability & Mobility”, Susannah Kent, Vitality Magazine
- “Remember Your Bones”, Susannah Kent, Vitality Magazine
- “Work it!: Funtional Fitness”, FLARE Magazine
- “Exercise in Awareness”, Liz Brody, LA Times
- Feldenkrais Guild of North America
- Philippe Leblond’s site on Feldenkrais, Montreal, Quebec
- Feldenkrais Centre Vancouver
- Feldenkrais in Sarasota
- Effortless Swing
- Yvan Joly M.A. (Psy.)
- Toronto Hakomi